15 March

EMOTIONS BEHIND AILMENTS an A to Z In this list of emotions behind ailments, we present the metaphysical origins of discomfort or disease. It is often very helpful to look at possible emotions fueling ailments. Aches: longing for love; the feeling of not being wanted. Acne: not accepting or disliking self; guilt and criticism. Lack […]

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27 October

SORE THROAT – natural and home cures Whether the sore throat is caused by a bacterial or viral infection it will usually disappear on its own within a week in an otherwise healthy person. Some of the symptoms include: pain when swallowing or talking, hoarseness, swollen red tonsils, a scratchy sensation or difficulty swallowing. A […]

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27 October

STOMACH CRAMPS – natural ways to alleviate stomach issues Stomach cramps can have a very broad base of origin, from constipation to food poisoning to a virus. It is also worth considering the possible emotional origins of stomach problems, specifically in children as this is how they often express anxiety. When our stomachs can’t digest […]

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23 June

INSOMNIA – natural ways to overcome insomnia Try one or many of these innovative ways to overcome insomnia. Keith Banfield, author of the guide to Sleep Therapy cites quality sleep as necessary f to restore depleted resources, repair damaged cells and brain chemicals; clear away old superfluous information;  preserve energy, rest muscles and to dream. […]

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25 May

HEMORRHOIDS Treating hemorrhoids with Unani Tibb. There are parts of our bodies we love less than others, just like there are aspects of ourselves we find it hard to integrate, and health conditions we’d rather not speak about. With statistics showing the immense amount of people needing help with hemorrhoids or piles and constipation, we […]

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25 May

ALLERGIES – natural cures to treat allergies If you know you get allergies and hayfever during springtime when all sorts of pollens are manifesting, then take a few precautions to strengthen your system from reacting. Allergy symptoms are caused when our bodies release histamine in response to an allergen. Underlying conditions like asthma, unmanaged stress, […]

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25 May

Acne vulgaris, typically known as acne has a combination of causes. This article looks as natural cures to treat acne from diet to vitamin supplementation to hormone regulation, aromoatherapy and more. Acne is common in ages between 11 and 30 particularly teenage years.  Adult acne is often considered hormonally generated. Hormones along with genetic factors, […]

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