Embracing the Wild Within, Guiding Others on the Path to Self-Discovery!

I grew up in the Wilderness of the Lowveld Bushveld on a beautiful farm that stirred the wild nature within me. I always knew deep down there is an unseen  thread that links us all, and this beautiful thread that weaves into a majestic tapestry is woven together with the ancient elements and creative energy of our Sentient Mother Earth.  I knew from an early age that my life on this Earth had a deep meaning.  This knowing became clouded as I moved through the social system that seemed to tear me from what I deeply knew and teach me a new narrative that left me wandering and lead me into a teenage darkness that continued well into my adult life.  It was in this darkness that I discovered hidden treasures as I was divinely guided into the Ancient Yogic ways through Kundalini Yoga and the Arts, it is here where my deep dive into Self Awareness and Healing began, with and open heart and mind I courageously walked the path back to remembering my wild nature of Who I truly Am.  I dedicate my Life to this Path and my passion is to help each beautiful person I meet re-connect to the magical creative Wild Child that resides deep within.

I Am firstly a Human Being, A mother, a Daughter a Sister a Lover, an Artist, a Kundalini Yoga practitioner, Cacao Kuchina, a Poet, a Field Guide,  and Lover of Nature, a Dancer,  and Alchemist of the elements. Come meet me in the beautiful labyrinth of Shakti energy where the natural rhythms of Self reside.
